Jaime Resano Aísa

This website contains all the projects I have done, and I am proud of them.


Technical drawing app

2020 - This is my biggest project I have ever done so far. It is focused in the technical drawing class that students take during high school. The app has been built using Python 3. It uses PyQt5 for the GUI and OpenGL for the 3D drawing. It also uses Sympy for some geometrical calculations.

Screenshot of the program
Link to its source code


I have been using Qt for a while. It is a extremely powerful framework which provides GUI features and much more. I find it very complete and easy to use. It has three big language APIs: C++, QML and Python.

I love the Python bindings of the C++ API, which are called "PySide." The combination of the capabilities of Qt and the development speed of Python is amazing. I have little experience with C++ as I prefer using Python. I would like to learn QML in-depth.

Qt logo

I took part in the 2021 Hacktoberferst with the Python Spain Discord community and I contributed to the Qt documentation, translating some C++ examples to Python. It has been an amazing experience to learn how to carry out all of the process. I cloned both the C++ and Python repositories, I set up my Gerrit and Git enviromnent properly (which was the hardest part of all the process), I transpiled the examples carefuly and I pushed the work, which is already merged. The best part of the experience is meeting a lot of amazing people and receiving feedback. I really encourage people to get into contributing to open source projects such as Qt, it is very enjoyable.

Due to my contributions, I got elected as one of the Qt 2021 champions!

Qt QuickSort

2021 - In my second year of university, I coded a QuickSort algorithm simulation using PySide6. That way I learned how QuickSort works and I helped my classmates to achieve the same goal. The result is quite beautiful, but I did not have much time to polish the project due to university tasks.

Qt QuickSort gif Link to its source code


Fiverr is an online marketplace that links freelancers to clients. It is reliable and takes a 20% comission. I joined it a while ago, and I have made some money from it by doing projects such as a task manager and an audio frequency analyzer. Feel free to contact me if you need help with anything.

Hire me on Fiverr!

This website

This website has been built by me. It ain't much, but its honest work. Its source code is avaiable here.

Youtube channel

I uploaded two videos about the technical drawing project I did. I also uploaded some traditional songs of my village.


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